Brain and Neuro Surgery Clinic

1,592 people

Brain  and Neuro  Surgery  Clinic


The  brain and  spainal  surgery  clinic provides  the  treatment  to  patients
Who  get  brain  and  spainal  accidents .Moreover,neurologist  and  neurosurgeons  treat
Other  serious  neurological  illnesses ,for  example  ,brain  tumors,storkes,vascular  neurosurgeons   treat  other  serious  neurological   illnesses ,for  example,brain  tumors,storkes,Vascular neurosurgery,nerve  system  diseases  covering  brain ,spine,nerve,spinal  bone  and  Cervical   disc  herniation.
Treatment  and  medical  service

To diagnose  and  operate  on  tumors  in  the  brain  or spinal  cord.
To  diagnose  and  improve  the  brain or  spinal  abnormalities  by  surgery
To  operate  on  intracranial  hermorrhage  from  accidents,concussion  and  strokes.
To  examine  and  treat   Disk  herniation  compressing  at  neck  or  spinal  cord.
To  provide  the  24-hours-services  to  emergent  patients.
To  operate  the  patients  with  using  Microscope.This  technology  assists  the neurosurgeons  to  see  through  brain  stem  clearly.


►Clinic Day

Friday 05.00 pm - 08.00 pm


Dr.Apisak Sutanoon


Contact : Out Patient Department / Surgery Clinic / Floor 1

Tel : 032-417-070-9 Ext.1377

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